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Appendix: Listing of Authors
William Walstad, John T. and Mable M. Hay Professor, Department of Economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Carlos Asarta, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, and Director, Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship, University of Delaware
Elizabeth Breitbach, Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, Loras College
William Bosshardt, Professor, Department of Economics, and Director, Center for Economic Education, Florida Atlantic University
Julie Heath, Professor and Alpaugh Family Chair in Economics, Department of Economics, and Director, Economics Center, University of Cincinnati
Barbara O’Neill, Extension Specialist in Financial Resource Management, and Distinguished Professor, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Rutgers University
Carly Urban, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Montana State University
Jamie Wagner, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, and Director, Center for Economic Education, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Jing Jian Xiao, Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Rhode Island